Patricia B. Oliete Terraz
Profesor Titular at the University of Zaragoza
Patricia Oliete obtained her PhD in 1996 at the University of Zaragoza. In 1997 she obtained a Marie Curie Research Training for a post-doc stay at the University of Nottingham. Dr. Oliete joined in 1999 the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (at present, INMA) with a post-doc grant to research on Magnetic Molecular Materials. In 2008 she became Professor at the Unversity. In 2002 she started working in her current research line: fabrication and characterization of ceramic materials.
- Call: 876 555605
- Email: poliete@unizar.es
Dr. Patricia B. Oliete is an expert on the application of laser processing techniques to the development of ceramic materials for the production and efficient use of energy, among which we can mention structured materials at micron or sub-micron scale with good mechanical performances and high thermal stability based on metallic oxides, selective emitters for thermophotovoltaic devices based on eutectic ceramics, and cermets for fuel cell anodes. She is also involved in the microstructural, optical (thermal emission) and mechanical characterization of ceramics (microhardness, fracture toughness, flexural resistance). She has participated in five consecutive projects dealing with the production and characterization of materials for electrochemical devices, mainly Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Lithium batteries. She has also participated in the development of a supported molten-salt membrane with high CO2-permeativity based on directionally solidified eutectic microstructures.
Among other activity indicators, it can be mentioned that she has published 52 papers in SCI journals (67%Q1), she has supervised in 2013 the PhD work of M. C. Mesa Capapé entitled Laser floating zone directional solidification and characterization of eutectic rods from Al2O3-Er2O3-ZrO2 system and is co-inventor of the patent Ceramic Material with Eutectic Microstructure grown by Laser Assisted Melt. She is also involved in a transfer of know-how contract financed by Saint-Gobain Centre de Recherches et d’ Études Européen Synthesis and Characterization of new textured CERMETS produced via reduction of Eutectic Ceramic precursors. Finally, she has participated in 21 I+D+I projects with national or European financial support among which we can mention the European projects UV-MARKING: Development of new UV laser for customization at industrial level through high quality marking on different materials FP7-2012-NMP-ICT-FoF and ENSEMBLE: Engineered SELF-organised Multicomponent structures with novel controllable Electromagnetic functionalities FP7- NMP4-SL-2008-FP 213669.