María Luisa Sanjuán
Research Scientist
Main expertise in structural and spectroscopic characterization of materials. Her present work deals with materials in the field of energy such as oxygen storage compounds, battery electrolytes and eutectic ceramic oxides for CO2-selective membranes.
- Call: 876 553354
- Email: sanjuan@unizar.es
After a PhD in Physics at the University of Zaragoza in 1986 (with honours) she performed a postdoctoral stay at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides of the Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris, France). She joined the Institute of Materials Science of Aragón (ICMA) in 1989 as a Tenured Scientist and was promoted to Research Scientist in 2009. Since then, her research has focused on the structural and dynamical properties of materials with technological interest such as ionic conductors for energy production and storage, high-Tc superconductors, carbon nanotubes, diluted magnetic semiconductors, etc.
In the more recent years she is working on ceramic oxides for supports of CO2-selective membranes and on oxygen storage compounds based on cerium and/or praseodymium oxides. She has supervised three PhD thesis (a fourth one to be finished in 2022) and has been principal investigator of five projects of the Spanish national programs in the materials science area. She has also been principal investigator of the ICMA subgroup of the Nanostructured Lithium Conducting Materials European IRSES program, devoted to materials for lithium batteries, and of three international bilateral actions of the CSIC between ICMA and the UPMC of Paris. Co-author of one hundred SCI papers plus a recent chapter on the Raman study of disorder and size effects in a book on pyrochlore ceramics.