Alodia Orera
Associate Professor
Associate Professor (Materials Science and Technology department of the School of Engineering and Architecture, Universidad de Zaragoza) since 2021. She has been a researcher at INMA (formerly ICMA) since 2010, where she has developed her research lines through a Ramon y Cajal grant among others. Alodia is an Engineer with a specialization in "Materials" (Universidad de Zaragoza) and PhD in Materials Science and Technology ((Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). She worked as a Research Officer (PhD) in University of Surrey (UK) and Research Associate (PhD) in University of Birmingham (UK).
- Call: 876 555130
- Email: aorera@unizar.es
Her research topic is the study and development of new materials for efficient energy generation and storage applications, including solid oxide fuel cells, electrolizers, solid state Li batteries and Lead batteries. This goal is approached in a multidisciplinary way, paying attention to their chemistry, physical properties and processing conditions in real application devices. She is currently the PI of the project Green Fuels from Solid Oxide Reversible Cells (GFORCE).
Together with her participation in more than 24 research projects in competitive tender process, she has been involved in different industry-driven projects in collaboration with i.e.: Saint Gobain CREE, Consortium for Battery Innovation and EXIDE Technologies. She has authored more than 56 scientific articles , one licensed patent (including royalties) and a specialised book chapter (“Energy Storage and Conversion Materials”, RSC Publishing).
She has lectured in degrees of Physics and Engineering and at Master degrees («Master Interuniversitario en Tecnologías de Hidrógeno” and “Master en Ingeniería Industrial”). She has been supervisor of 4 PhD thesis.